luni, 24 aprilie 2017

Plural copie

Plural copie

Declinarea substantivului copie. Nominativ-Acuzativ, copie , copii. Articulat, copia, copiile. Genitiv-Dativ, copiei, copiilor.

Plural copie

Vocativ, copie , copiilor . Definiții, sinonime, antonime, conjugări, declinări, paradigme pentru copie din. Derulați tabela de mai jos de la dreapta la stânga. Many translated example sentences containing printed copies – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. XVIII), intrat și prin filiera rus. Before the development of photographic copiers, a carbon copy—not to be confused with the.

When copies of business letters were so produce it was customary to use the acronym CC or cc before a colon and below the. An alternative etymology is that c: was used for copy and cc: indicates the plural , just as p. Aveți o copie de upgrade sau o copie de produs complet Windows Vista? Be sure to make copies of all the documents.

Plural copie

Always make copies of important documents. Meanings of plural of copie in French English Dictionary : result(s). Category, English, French. Traducerea acestei pagini The plural form of copy is copies. Another word for, Opposite of, Meaning of, Rhymes with, Sentences with, Find word forms, Pronounce . Given what has been presented on plurals , it is important to point out that plural are formed on the basis of singular forms.

Sinonime: a imita, a copia, a parodia. Kopie f (meistens verwendet) ( Plural : Kopien). Ich habe nicht das Original . Pretérito Imperfeito. Não há uma regra específica a ser seguida para se fazer este plural , pois pode variar entre os três e dependerá unicamente da origem da palavra, ou seja, de sua . Recevez toute notre actualité. A series, set, collection, or group of six identical copies of something.

Plural copie

NO THE : to generalize about uncountable or plural nouns. TheMoney is the root of all evil. De acordo com as regras do plural , copie as palavras em inglês que estão corretamente empregadas: Strawberry – potatoes – buses . He made careful copies of all the documents he found in the library. Declension of noun „Abdruck“: in plural , genitive, all cases,. Innovation in the plural of the alpine cre-actors.

Musée des Frères Grimm de Kassel, avec toutes les corrections . I feel the answer is not copies as this would indicate it is several articles reproduced from an original. I wonder if it might be copy, a bit like how data is plural ?

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